Category Archives: Read the Bible

D.I.V.E. Devotions 

Dig In
Dig in and enjoy God’s Word. What should I read in the Bible today?

• DAY 1 – Luke 23:44-56 – Jesus dies and is buried

• DAY 2 – Luke 24:1-12 – The women and Peter at the empty tomb

• DAY 3 – Luke 24:13-35 – The two men on the road to Emmaus

• DAY 4 – Luke 24:36-43 – Jesus appears to the disciples

• DAY 5 – Luke 24:44-53 – Jesus ascends into Heaven

Answer these questions each day…

What did you see? What did you hear?

What did you learn? What should you do?

Examine yourself as you pray. What will you pray?

D.I.V.E. Devotions 

Dig In
Dig in and enjoy God’s Word. What should I read in the Bible today?

• DAY 1 – Luke 23:6-12 – Jesus before Herod

• DAY 2 – Luke 23:13-25 – Pilate and the crowd 

• DAY 3 – Luke 23:26-31 – Simon of Cyrene carries the cross

• DAY 4 – Luke 23:32-38 – The crucifixion

• DAY 5 – Luke 23:39-43 – Jesus and the two criminals

Answer these questions each day…

What did you see? What did you hear?

What did you learn? What should you do?

Examine yourself as you pray. What will you pray?

D.I.V.E. Devotions 

Dig In
Dig in and enjoy God’s Word. What should I read in the Bible today?

• DAY 1 – Luke 22:35-46 – Prayer in Gethsemane

• DAY 2 – Luke 22:47-53 – Jesus’ arrest

• DAY 3 – Luke 22:54-62 – Jesus in Caiaphas’ house: Peter’s denial

• DAY 4 – Luke 22:63-71 – Jesus is mocked and beaten

• DAY 5 – Luke 23:1-5 – Accusations before Pilate

Answer these questions each day…

What did you see? What did you hear?

What did you learn? What should you do?

Examine yourself as you pray. What will you pray?

D.I.V.E. Devotions 

Dig In
Dig in and enjoy God’s Word. What should I read in the Bible today?

• DAY 1 – Luke 21:20-33 – The coming of the Son of Man

• DAY 2 – Luke 21:34-38 – Teaching in the Temple

• DAY 3 – Luke 22:1-6 – The betrayal of Judas

• DAY 4 – Luke 22:7-23 – The Last Supper

• DAY 5 – Luke 22:24-34 – Peter’s denial is predicted

Answer these questions each day…

What did you see? What did you hear?

What did you learn? What should you do?

Examine yourself as you pray. What will you pray?

D.I.V.E. Devotions 

Dig In
Dig in and enjoy God’s Word. What should I read in the Bible today?

• DAY 1 – Luke 20:27-44 – Trick questions

• DAY 2 – Luke 20:45-47 – The dangers of pride and self-righteousness

• DAY 3 – Luke 21:1-4 – The widow’s offering

• DAY 4 – Luke 21:5-11 – Destruction of the Temple predicted

• DAY 5 – Luke 21:12-19 – Persecution and endurance

Answer these questions each day…

What did you see? What did you hear?

What did you learn? What should you do?

Examine yourself as you pray. What will you pray?

D.I.V.E. Devotions 

Dig In
Dig in and enjoy God’s Word. What should I read in the Bible today?

• DAY 1 – Luke 18:31-34 – Jesus predicts his death

• DAY 2 – Luke 18:35-43 – Healing a blind man

• DAY 3 – Luke 19:1-10 – Zacchaeus

• DAY 4 – Luke 19:11-27 – The parable of the pounds

• DAY 5 – Luke 19:28-40 – The triumphal entry

Answer these questions each day…

What did you see? What did you hear?

What did you learn? What should you do?

Examine yourself as you pray. What will you pray?

D.I.V.E. Devotions 

Dig In
Dig in and enjoy God’s Word. What should I read in the Bible today?

• DAY 1 – Luke 17:20-37 – The end of the age

• DAY 2 – Luke 18:1-8 – Parable of the unjust judge

• DAY 3 – Luke 18:9-14 – Parable of the Pharisee and tax collector

• DAY 4 – Luke 18:15-17 – Receiving the Kingdom as a child

• DAY 5 – Luke 18:18-30 – The rich ruler

Answer these questions each day…

What did you see? What did you hear?

What did you learn? What should you do?

Examine yourself as you pray. What will you pray?

D.I.V.E. Devotions 

Dig In
Dig in and enjoy God’s Word. What should I read in the Bible today?

• DAY 1 – Luke 16:1-9 – Parable of the dishonest manager

• DAY 2 – Luke 16:10-18 – Faithful in little

• DAY 3 – Luke 16:19-31 – The rich man and Lazarus

• DAY 4 – Luke 17:1-10 – Disciples and relationships within community

• DAY 5 – Luke 17:11-19 – Ten lepers cleansed

Answer these questions each day…

What did you see? What did you hear?

What did you learn? What should you do?

Examine yourself as you pray. What will you pray?

D.I.V.E. Devotions 

Dig In
Dig in and enjoy God’s Word. What should I read in the Bible today?

• DAY 1 – Luke 14:15-24 – Parable of the banquet

• DAY 2 – Luke 14:25-35 – The cost of discipleship

• DAY 3 – Luke 15:1-7 – The lost sheep

• DAY 4 – Luke 15:8-10 – The lost coin

• DAY 5 – Luke 15:11-32 – The lost son

Answer these questions each day…

What did you see? What did you hear?

What did you learn? What should you do?

Examine yourself as you pray. What will you pray?

D.I.V.E. Devotions 

Dig In
Dig in and enjoy God’s Word. What should I read in the Bible today?

• DAY 1 – Luke 13:10-17 – A crippled woman is healed

• DAY 2 – Luke 13:18-21 – Parables of the Kingdom

• DAY 3 – Luke 13:22-35 – The narrow door

• DAY 4 – Luke 14:1-6 – Healing on the Sabbath

• DAY 5 – Luke 14:7-14 – Humility and generosity

Answer these questions each day…

What did you see? What did you hear?

What did you learn? What should you do?

Examine yourself as you pray. What will you pray?