
You Will Need:

  • 1 cup of flour 
  • 1/3 cup of salt 
  • 1/3 cup of water 
  • A Bible marked at John 1:1-3


Set out 1 cup of flour, 1/3 cup of salt and 1/3 cup of water. 

ASK—What do you think we’re going to make? (Modeling Clay.)

SAY—We have all the right ingredients to make exactly what we want. We have a plan. We know what we’re going to make and we’re putting everything we need inside it to make it just right. God has a plan for you too. When God made you, He put inside you everything He wanted for you to be the unique person and special person that He wanted you to be.

Mix these ingredients and let your kids squish the dough in their hands for 5 minutes. While they mix the dough…

Read Jeremiah 29:11 from your Bible. 

SAY—God created you special and has great plans for your life.

ASK—How do you think God has made you special?

SAY—Tell your children ways that you see they are special and unique—Everything from their fingerprints to the things they love and the things they do. Nobody who has ever lived is just like them and nobody can exactly do what God has created them to do. They are special!

After the dough is ready, spend some time making Thing-A-Ma-Jiggers (special creations). If you want, even give your creations names, such as a Rabgiraphantoose which would be a creation with a Rabbit head, a giraffe neck, an elephant body, and moose legs. Let your kids make whatever they want however they want.

Introduce your creations…

Then Read John 1:1-3. Tell your kids that “The Word” refers to Jesus.

KEY POINT: God made everything and God made you special. 

SAY—Of all God’s creatures great and small, God loves you the most of all.

PRAY—And thank God that He made you and your kids special that He has great plans for all of you. Pray also that your children will always follow Jesus.