You Will Need:
- A Bible marked at Romans 5:8
See who can say “Unique New York” the most times correctly in 10 seconds. Let each family member try.
See who can say “Red Leather, Yellow Leather” the most times back to back without making a mistake. Let each family member try a few times
SAY—It might seem impossible to say “Unique New York” or “Red Leather, Yellow Leather,” but it’s not—it just takes practice.
ASK—Why do you think it’s impossible for a person to be good enough to go to heaven? (Because none of us are perfect like God is perfect. We’ve all made mistakes.)
SAY—Because we’ve all made mistakes, we all need Jesus as our Savior. Since Jesus died to pay the price for all the wrong things we’d ever do, He provides a way for us to be forgiven and go to heaven by giving our lives to Him.
Read Romans 5:8 from your Bible.
PRAY—List prayer requests and thank Jesus for dying to make a way for us to be forgiven and go to heaven.