A Skunk for My Birthday

I want a skunk for my birthday,

In a bright, red box.

I don’t want brand new underwear.

I don’t brand new socks.

I don’t want fuzzy pajamas,

I don’t want bunny slippers,

I don’t want hats and mittens,

Or a jacket with lots of zippers.

“I want a skunk!”

I did yell.

“With a big, white stripe,

Down his tail.”

“Where would you keep him?”

My mom said,

“Surely not in the kitchen.

Surely not in your bed.”

“I’ll keep him in your bedroom.”

I said very proudly.

“What about the smell?”

She responded rather loudly.

Her question made me think,

Then I thought that I might quit.

But still I responded strongly,

“The skunk will get used to it.”

What Belongs

There’s a reason none of your friends have pet skunks. They don’t belong. There are other things that don’t belong in your life too. Sin doesn’t belong in your life. God didn’t create you to do bad things. He made you to know Him and to love Him and to walk with Him all the days of your life. The Bible says in Micah 6:8, “He has showed you, O man, what is good. What does the Lord require of you but to act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”