Little Jack Spree

Little Jack Spree,

Lived on a Christmas tree,

And late at night,

He’d turn on the lights,

So that he could see.

Then he’d hide,

And he’d slide,

Down the trim,

From limb to limb,

That’s Little Jack Spree, you see.

But late one day,

While Jack did play,

He heard a sudden knocking,

And fell into a stocking,

And couldn’t get free, you see.

He did pull and tug,

But he was stuck so snug,

And though he wiggled about,

He couldn’t get out,

Poor Jack Spree, I see.

Then he did something very unwise,

He shouted and screamed and gave loud cries,

And in panic he lost his wits,

And threw twelve different kinds of fits.

Little Jack Spree lost control, you see.

In terror, he just couldn’t say no,

And the more he struggled the deeper he’d go,

Finally he sank in candy to his chin.

And he thought at last that this was the end.

Poor Jack Spree no more would be, you see.

Then he recalled what to do,

When something happens that really scares you.

On God you can cast all your care,

Because the Lord is always standing right there.

Then he said, “I will not fear,

Though I think the end is finally here,

Because I know the Lord is near.”

He kept saying this as he would think.

Then a thought hit him: This sock doesn’t stink.

It’s bad enough to be stuck in there,

Without a nasty smell filling the air.

And though he wasn’t free,

He became thankful, you see.

Even in the bad you can still thank the Lord,

Because that’s what it says in His Holy Word.

Then something changed in Little Jack Spree,

The thankfulness stole the fear from he,

And slowly he did struggle and slowly he did climb,

Because he now felt a peace on his mind.

At last he came out,

And he declared with a shout,

“Even in bad you can still find the good!”

Little Jack Spree understood, you see.

Then he climbed up real far,

As high as the shining star,

And he said a thankful prayer,

That God is always there,

And we need not ever fear,

Because He’s always near.


Someone can be calm and have peace in the middle of hard or frightening situations when their trust is fixed on Christ. The Bible says in Philippians 4:6-7, “Do not worry about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.”