I’ve been on a plane,
All daylong.
But we couldn’t land,
Cause something went wrong.
There’s a blizzard on the airport,
And we couldn’t land.
I’ve been on a plane,
All through the night
I thought we might land,
Cause the city looked bright.
But then came the fog,
And we couldn’t land.
I’m getting kind of hungry,
Cause I’m still on the plane.
We couldn’t land again.
This time it’s rain.
I need more than pretzels.
Why can’t we land?
We’re flying around in circles,
Inside a big cloud.
The engines are quiet now.
They used to be loud.
It can’t get worse than this!
Can’t we just land?
We landed in the ocean.
Now I’m floating on my seat.
I don’t like it here,
Cause sharks are nibbling at my feet.
I want on a plane.
Can’t we please go back up?
Thankful Hearts
Sometimes when we don’t get our way we want to gripe and complain, but God wants us to have thankful hearts. So the next time you don’t get what you want or things don’t go your way, don’t grumble about it. Instead, count your blessings and give God thanks.
Listen to what the Bible says in Philippians 2:14-15, “Do all things without murmurings and disputes, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you are seen as lights in the world.”